


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2020-04-20 浏览次数:22762















1988/09-1993/03,澳大立亚国立大学,地质学,博士,导师:KeithA.W. Crook

1986/03-1988/08,澳大立亚悉尼大学,海洋地质,硕士,导师:CharlesV.G. Phipps























2.Keyu Liu (Seminal contributions, 3/19), For the development of aninnovative suite of techniques that reveal the step-wise fillhistory of petroleum reservoirs in previously unseen detail. CSIROResearch Achievement Award(唯一、无等级),2005, (Seminal contributions: Peter Eadington, Simon George, KeyuLiu, Mark Lisk; Significant contributions: Mark Brincat, RichardKempton, Herbert Volk; Contributions: Manzur Ahmed, Patricia Cope,Adriana Dutkiewicz, Steve Fenton, Luke Johnson, Frank Krieger,Joseph Kurusingal, Heather Middleton, Robinson Quezada, AndrewRoss, Tim Ruble and Susannah Smart).


1.刘可禹,黄秀.油气成藏数值模拟技术与应用,科学出版社.100745字,2017ISBN:978-7-03-049990-5, 179 pp.

2.鲁雪松,刘可禹,赵孟军.油气成藏年代学分析技术与应用.科学出版社,302000字,2017ISBN:978-7-03-050771-6, 204 pp.


4.朱红涛,KeyuLiu, 刘强虎.陆内克拉通盆地“溯源退积”层序构型形成机理的定量模拟.中国地质大学出版社,230000字,2012.


(1)Zhichao Yu, Keyu Liu*, Li Liu, Siyu Yang and Yongzhi Yang, Anexperimental study of CO2–oil–brine–rock interaction underin situ reservoir conditions. Geochemistry, Geophysics,Geosystems, 2017, 2526-2542.

(2)Xingguang Xu, Ali Saeedi, Keyu Liu, Experimental study on a novelfoaming formula for CO2 foam flooding. Journal of Energy ResourcesTechnology, 2017, 139(2): 022902.

(3)Lucas Pimienta, Lionel Esteban, Joel Sarout, Keyu Liu, JeremieDaurtiat, Claudio Delle Piane, Michael B Clennell, SupercriticalCO2 injection and residence time in fluid-saturated rocks:Evidence for calcite dissolution and effects on rock integrity.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2017, 67:31-48,DOI10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.09.014

(4)Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Keyu Liu, Jingqiang Tan, Fenglin Gao,Pengfei Wang. Pore structure characterization for organic-richLower Silurian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China: Apossible mechanism for pore development. Journal of Natural GasScience and Engineering, 2017, 46:1-15.

(5)Hongtao Zhu, Ronald J Steel, Xiaomin Zhu, Keyu Liu, Hongliu Zeng,Zaixing Jiang, Wood Lesli, Olariu Cornel, Introduction to specialsection: Source-to-sink system analysis of proliferous and othersedimentary basins. 2017, 5 (4):1-3.

(6)Xiaorong Luo, Zhijun Jin. Keyu Liu and Shuichang Zhang. Geofluidsin Deep Sedimentary Basins and Their Significance for PetroleumAccumulation. Geofluids, 2017 (2): 1-4.

(7)Shuichang Zhang, Kun He, Guoyi Hu, Jingkui Mi, Qisheng Ma, KeyuLiu and Yongchun Tang, Unique chemical and isotopiccharacteristics and origins of natural gases in the Paleozoicmarine formations in the Sichuan Basin, SW China: Isotopefractionation of deep and high mature carbonate reservoir gases.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 89:68-92.

(8)Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Keyu Liu, Fenglin Gao, Pengfei Wang,Combination of N2 and CO2 Adsorption to Characterize NanoporeStructure of Organic-Rich Lower Silurian Shale in the UpperYangtze Platform, South China: Implications for Shale Gas SorptionCapacity. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2017,91(4):1380-1394

(9)Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Muhammad Kashif.Identification of sedimentary-diagenetic facies and reservoirporosity and permeability prediction: An example from the Eocenebeach-bar sandstone in the Dongying Depression, China. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2017:69-84.

(10)Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Keyu Liu, Wenming Ji, Pengfei Wang,Fenglin Gao and Tao Hu, Application of Langmuir andDubinin–Radushkevich models to estimate methane sorptioncapacity on two shale samples from the Upper Triassic Chang 7Member in the southeastern Ordos Basin, China. Energy Exploration& Exploitation, 2017. 35(1): 122-144.

(11)Xingguang Xu, Ali Saeedi, Keyu Liu. An experimental study ofcombined foam/surfactant polymer (SP) flooding for carbondioxide-enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR). Journal of PetroleumScience and Engineering, 2017, 149:603-611.

(12)Xingguang Xu, Ali Saeedi, Keyu Liu, Experimental Study on a NovelFoaming Formula for CO2 Foam Flooding. Journal of Energy ResourcesTechnology, 2017, 139(2):022902.

(13)Qianghu Liu, Xiaomin Zhu, Hongtao Zhu, Keyu Liu, Mingxuan Tan,Hehe Chen, Shufan Yang, Three-dimensional forward stratigraphicmodelling of the gravel-to mud-rich fan-delta in the slope systemof Zhanhua Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 2017, 79:18-30.

(14)Jianliang Liu, Keyu Liu*, Xiu Huang, Effect of sedimentaryheterogeneities on hydrocarbon accumulations in the Permian ShanxiFormation, Ordos Basin, China: Insight from an integratedstratigraphic forward and petroleum system modeling. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2016, 76:412-431.

(15)Guohui Chen, Junfang Zhang, Shuangfang Lu, Marina Pervukhina, KeyuLiu, Qingzhong Xue, Hua Tian, Shansi Tian, Jinbu Li, MichaelClennell, David N. Dewhurst, Adsorption behavior of hydrocarbon onillite. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(11): 9114-9121.

(16)Zhonghong Chen, Bernd R.T. Simoneit, T.-G. Wang, Wei Huang, DetianYan, Zhiyong Ni, Keyu Liu, Effects of high temperatures onbiomarker ratios during oil-to-gas cracking experiments at twopressures. Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 101:108-131.

(17)Zhonghong Chen, Ming Zha, Keyu Liu, Yueqian Zhang, Disheng Yang,Yong Tang,, Kongyou Wu, Yong Chen. Origin and accumulationmechanisms of petroleum in the Carboniferous volcanic rocks of theKebai Fault zone, Western Junggar Basin, China. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 2016, 127:170-196.

(18)Jian Wang, Yingchang Cao, Keyu Liu, Jie Liu, Xiujie Xue, QisongXu, Pore fluid evolution, distribution and water-rock interactionsof carbonate cements in red-bed sandstone reservoirs in theDongying Depression, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016,72: 279-294.

(19)Junfang Zhang, Michael B. Clennell, Keyu Liu, David N. Dewhurst,Marina Pervukhina, Neil Sherwood, Molecular dynamics study of CO2sorption and transport properties in coal. Fuel, 2016, 177:53-62.

(20)Zhichao Yu, Keyu Liu*, Li Liu, Xiyu Qu, Miao Yu, Shuang Zhao,Xiaoran Ming, Characterization of Paleogene hydrothermal eventsand their effects on reservoir properties in the Qikou Sag,eastern China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016,146:1226-1241.

(21)Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao,Qingong Zhuo, Xuesong Lu, Hydrocarbon accumulation processes inthe Dabei tight-gas reservoirs, Kuqa Subbasin, Tarim Basin,northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 2016, 100(10): 1501-1521.

(22)Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao,Qingong Zhuo, Xuesong Lu, Fluid evolution in the Dabei Gas Fieldof the Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications forfault-related fluid flow. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 78:1-16.  

(23)Youyu Zhang, Keyu Liu, Xiuquan Luo, Evaluation of 40Ar/39ArGeochronology of Authigenic Illites in Determining HydrocarbonCharge Timing: A Case Study from the Silurian Bituminous SandstoneReservoirs, Tarim Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2016,90(2):684-703.

(24)Jianliang Liu, Zhenxue Jiang, Keyu Liu*, Lili Gui, Jinyan Xing,Hydrocarbon sources and charge history in the Southern SlopeRegion, Kuqa Foreland Basin, northwestern China. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2016, 74:26-46.

(25)Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu*, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao,Qingong Zhuo, Xuesong Lu, Constraining Tectonic CompressionProcesses by Reservoir Pressure Evolution: Overpressure Generationand Evolution in the Kelasu Thrust Belt of Kuqa Foreland Basin, NWChina. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 72:30-44.

(26)Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao,Xuesong Lu, Effects of Early Petroleum Charge and Overpressure onReservoir Porosity Preservation in the Giant Kela-2 Gas Field,Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, NW China. AAPG Bulletin, 2016,100(2): 191-212.

(27)Xingguang Xu, Ali Saeedi, Keyu Liu, Laboratory Studies on CO2 FoamFlooding Enhanced by a Novel Amphiphilic Ter-Polymer. Journal ofPetroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 138: 153-159.

(28)Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Sheng He, Zhi Yang, Tiantian Dong,Quantitative estimation of overpressure caused by gas generationand application to the Baiyun Depression in the Pearl River MouthBasin, South China Sea. Geofluids, 2016, 16 (1): 129–148.

(29)Xuan Tang, Jinchuan Zhang, Zaixing Jiang, Xianzheng Zhao, KeyuLiu, Ruifeng Zhang, Jinyu Xiong, Kefeng Du, Zhenglin Huang, JingduYu, Characteristics of solid residue, expelled and retainedhydrocarbons of lacustrine marlstone as determined by semi-closedsystem hydrous pyrolysis. Fuel, 2015, 162:186–193.

(30)Junfang Zhang, Keyu Liu, M.B. Clennella, D.N. Dewhursta, M.Pervukhina, Molecular simulation of CO2–CH4 competitiveadsorption and induced coal swelling. Fuel, 2015, 160: 309-317.

(31)Jingkui Mi, Shuichang Zhang, Jianping Chen, Kun He, Keyu Liu,Xianqing Li, Lina Bi, Upper thermal maturity limit for gasgeneration from humic coal. International Journal of Coal Geology,2015, 152:123-131.

(32)Junfang Zhang, Keyu Liu, M. B. Clennell, D. N. Dewhurst, ZhejunPan, M. Pervukhina,Tongcheng Han, Molecular simulation studies ofhydrocarbon and carbon dioxide adsorption on coal. PetroleumScience, 2015, 12(4):692-704.

(33)Yanjie Gong, Shaobo Liu, Rukai Zhu, Keyu Liu, Zhenxing Tang, LinJiang, Micro-occurrence of Cretaceous tight oil in southernSongliao Basin, NE China. Petroleum Exploration and Development,2015, 42(3):323-328.

(34)Caineng Zou, Zhi Yang, Jingxing Dai, Dazhong Dong, Baomin Zhang,Yuman Wang, Shenghui Deng, Jinliang Huang, Keyu Liu, Chun Yang,Guoqi Wei, Songqi Pan, The characteristics and significance ofconventional and unconventional Sinian–Silurian gas systems inthe Sichuan Basin, central China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2015, 64:386–402.

(35)Zhichao Yu, Li Liu, Keyu Liu, Siyu Yang, Yongzhi Yang, CO2sequestration in depleted oil and gas reservoirs of the SouthernSongliao Basin in Eastern China: Petrological study and Reactivetransport simulations. International Journal of Greenhouse GasControl, 2015, 37: 191-212.

(36)Guangyou Zhu, Tongshan Wang, Zengye Xie, Banghua Xie, Keyu Liu,Giant gas discovery in the Precambrian deeply buried reservoirs inthe Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for gas exploration in oldcratonic basins. Precambrian Research, 2015, 62:45-66.

(37)Yong Ma, Ningning Zhong, Dahua Li, zhejun Pan, Lijun Cheng, KeyuLiu, Organic matter/clay mineral intergranular pores in the LowerCambrian Lujiaping Shale in the north-eastern part of the upperYangtze area. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015, 137:38-54. (高被引期刊论文)

(38)Guangyou Zhu, Baotao Zhang, Haijun Yang, Jin Su, Keyu Liu,Yongfeng Zhu, Secondary alteration to ancient oil reservoirs bylate gas filling in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin. Journal ofPetroleum Science and Engineering, 2014, 122:240-256.

(39)Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Yang, Keyu Liu, Xinhuai Zhou, Seismic-basedsediment provenance analysis in continental lacustrinerift-basins: An example from the Bohai Bay Basin, China. AAPGBulletin, 2014, 98(10): 1995-2018.

(40)Julien Bourdet, Robert C. Burruss, I.-Ming Chou, Richard Kempton,Keyu Liu, Nguyen Viet Hung, Evidence for a palaeo-oil column andalteration of residual oil in a gas-condensate field: integratedoil inclusion and experimental results. Geochimica et CosmochimicaActa, 2014, 142: 362-385.

(41)Stefan Iglauer, Abdulsalam Salamah, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, KeyuLiu, Chi Phan, Contamination of silica surfaces: impact onwater-CO2-quartz and glass contact angle measurements.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2014, 22:325-328. (高被引期刊论文)

(42)Junfang Zhang, N. Burke, Shuichang Zhang, Keyu Liu, M. Pervukhina,Thermodynamic Analysis of Molecular Simulations of CO2 and CH4Adsorption in FAU Zeolites. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014,113: 54-61.

(43)Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Keyu Liu, Chunming Zhang, Xuelian You,Factors controlling reservoir properties and hydrocarbonaccumulation of lacustrine deep-water turbidites in the HuiminDepression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 2014, 57: 327-344.

(44)Meijun Li, Tieguan Wang, Shengbao Shi, Keyu Liu, Geoffrey S.Ellis, Benzo[b]naphthothiophenes and alkyl dibenzothiophenes:Molecular tracers for oil migration distances. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2014, 57: 403-417.

(45)Junfang Zhang, M.B. Clennell, D.N. Dewhurst, Keyu Liu, CombinedMonte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation of methaneadsorption on dry and moist coal. Fuel, 2014, 122: 186-197.

(46)Xiu Huang, Keyu Liu, Caineng Zou, Xuanjun Yuan, Lili Gui, Forwardstratigraphic modelling of the shallow-water delta system in thePoyang Lake, southern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2014, 144 (A): 74-83.

(47)Hongtao Zhu, Hongliu Zeng, Keyu Liu, A quantitative simulationstudy of asymmetrical tectonic subsidence control onnon-synchronous sequence stacking patterns of Eocene lacustrinesediments in Bohai Bay Basin, China. Sedimentary Geology, 2013,294: 328-341.

(48)Sam Yang, Keyu Liu, Sheridan Clare Mayo, Andrew Tulloh, MichaelClennell, Tiqiao Xiao, A data-constrained modelling approach tosandstone microstructure characterisation. Journal of PetroleumScience and Engineering, 2013, 105: 76-83.

(49)Junfang Zhang, Zhejun Pan, Keyu Liu, Nick Burke, Molecularsimulation of CO2 solubility and its effect on octane swelling.Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(5): 2741-2747.

(50)Hongtao Zhu, Keyu Liu, Xianghua Yang, Qianghu Liu, Sedimentarycontrols on the sequence stratigraphic architecture inintra-cratonic basins: An example from the Lower Permian ShanxiFormation, Ordos Basin, northern China. Marine and PetroleumGeology, 2013, 45: 42-54.

(51)Hong Pang, Junqing Chen, Xiongqi Pang, Keyu Liu, Luofu Liu, CaifuXiang, Sumei Li, Analysis of secondary migration of hydrocarbonsin the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tazhong uplift,Tarim Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2013, 97(10): 1765-1783.

(52)Guangyou Zhu, Shuichang Zhang, Keyu Liu, Haijun Yang, Bin Zhang,Jin Su, Yaguang Zhang, A well-preserved 250 million-year-old oilaccumulation in the Tarim Basin, western China: Implications forhydrocarbon exploration in old and deep basins. Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2013, 43: 478-488.

(53)G. W. O'Brien, P. R. Tingate, Louise Goldie Divko, John A.Miranda, M. J. Campi and Keyu Liu, Basin-scale fluid flow in theGippsland Basin: implications for geological carbon storage.Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2013, 60 (1): 59-70.














(2)Keyu Liu, Chang Liu, Yingchang Cao, Kelai Xi, Xiaoqi Wang, RukaiZhu, Chemo-sedimentary facies analysis: An innovative approach forcharacterizing fine-grained sedimentary rocks. InternationalMeeting of Sedimentology Oct. 10-12, 2017, Toulouse, France.

(3)Keyu Liu, Chang Liu, Xiaoqi Wang, Kelai Xi, Yingchang Cao andRukai Zhu, Chemo-sedimentary facies and wetting pore analyses:Innovative methods for unconventional reservoir characterization.7th International Symposium on Hydrocarbon accumulation andresource assessment. Oct.22-23, 2017, Beijing, China.

(4)Chang Liu, Keyu Liu*, Xiaoqi Wang, Rukai Zhu, Luya Wu,Depositional environments of the Permian Lucaogou Formation,Junggar Basin, NW China and implications for tight oilexploration. Goldschmidt Conference, August 13-18, 2017, Paris,France.

(5)Zhang, J., Keyu Liu*, Application of molecular simulation inunconventional gas research. International Symposium onNanogeoscience, Nov. 5-6, 2016, Qingdao, China.

(6)Keyu Liu, Xiaoqi Wang, Songtao Wu, Yang, S, Characterisation oftight oil storing space: An example from the Lucaogou Formation,Junggar Basin, west China. The 4th Symposium on Unconventional Oiland Gas Geological Evaluation, Oct. 22-23, 2016, Beijing, China.

(7)Keyu Liu, Fu, X., Lili Gui, Jia, R, Cautions in interpretingpetroleum charge events using oil inclusion colours. The 8thInternational Geofluids Conference (Geofluids VIII), June 22-25,2016, Wuhan, China.

(8)Keyu Liu, Xiaoqi Wang, Yang, S, A genetic approach for upscalingreservoir properties. CSIRO Computational Simulation Sciences ande-Research Conference. March 1-4, 2016, Melbourne, Australia.



(11)Keyu Liu, Caineng Zou, Xiu Huang, Songtao Wu. Multi-scalecharacterisation of tight (oil) sandstone storage spaces, anexample from the Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China.AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop on Bakken/ Three Folk/PlusEmerging Plays, Nov. 17-19, 2014, Golden, CO, USA.

(12)Keyu Liu, Zhichao Yu. Effects of high temperature and highpressure supercritical fluids on hydrocarbon accumulation in deepreservoirs. Research Symposium on deep and ultra-deep hydrocarbonreservoirs, Sept. 12-13, 2014, Beijing.

(13)Keyu Liu, Xiu Huang, Yang, S. From Digital cores to digital basin:Some challenges and solutions. International Workshop in DigitalCore Analysis Technology, June 5-7, 2014, Qingdao, China

(14)Keyu Liu. In situ characterization of gas-water interaction insandstone reservoir using coupled X-ray CT imaging and coreflooding techniques. International Workshop on Gas EnrichmentMechanism and Experimental Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs,Sept. 23-25, 2014, RIPED, PetroChina.

(15)Zhao, M., Keyu Liu*, Li, Y., Liu, S., Fang, S., Guo, X., Zhuo, Q.,Lu, X., Fan, J. Hydrocarbon migration mechanisms for the deeplyburied tight reservoirs in Tarim Basin, China: Reservoirwettability alteration. International Symposium on Theoreticadvance and Technology Innovation for Emerging Energy Resources(TATIEER): Deep and unconventional hydrocarbon systems, April12-14, 2013, Beijing.

(16)Keyu Liu, Zhao, M., Li, Y., Liu, S., Fang, S., Guo, X., Zhuo, Q.,Lu, X., Fan, J. Key factors affecting hydrocarbon accumulations inthe Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin, west China. World PetroleumCongress, Oct. 19-20, Beijing, China.

(17)Keyu Liu, Julien Bourdet, Xiaowen Guo. Pitfalls in using fluidinclusion Th and basin modelling to determine hydrocarbon chargetiming. International Workshop on Basin evolution and hydrocarboncharge geochronology, Sept. 20-21, 3013, Beijing.

(18)Keyu Liu. Hydrocarbon charge history of the Gippsland basin,Australia. 6th International Symposium on hydrocarbon accumulationmechanism and petroleum resources evaluation. Sept. 26-28, 2013,Beijing.

(19)Keyu Liu. A multiphysics approach to rock characterisation.International Workshop in Digital Core Analysis Technology, June6-7, 2012, Qingdao, China

(20)Keyu Liu. Impact of structural reactivation on hydrocarbonaccumulations. International Workshop on Faults, fluid flow andtheir controls on hydrocarbon accumulation, Oct. 13, 2012, Beijing



(2)Keyu Liu, Peter John Eadington and Joseph Stanly Kurrusingal, Oilreservoirs. US Patent: US20040099804A1

(3)Keyu Liu, Joseph Stanley Kurrusingal and Peter John Eadington, Oilreservoirs. Australia Patent: 2002227772

(4)Keyu Liu, Peter John Eadington and Joseph Stanly Kurrusingal,Method of determining whether a rock is capable of functioning asan oil reservoir. US Patent: US7173242B2